The Learning Center
As we see an increase in cyberattacks, it’s more important than ever for companies to be able to identify and respond to threats. Tools like AI can provide some business automation and help deal with the volume of monitoring most companies require. But human oversight is still essential. See AI, Automation, and the Future of…
[Read More]The good news is that you don’t have to become a cybersecurity pro to protect yourself from fake emails. A good dose of common sense and a greater awareness of email fraud are enough to put you on guard.
[Read More]The landscape of both technology and cyber threats is constantly changing. That means that cybersecurity and business concerns are constantly changing as well. It’s never been more essential to build a strong security culture in your organization and to stay ahead of threats. The more people and systems involved in your company, the more complex…
[Read More]Money-lender Dave does the one thing that all scammers do: It lied to its target through its advertising. Sure, there are small disclaimers here and there, yet Dave preyed on the triggers that consumers (who need money) would respond to. Dave likely knew and likely counted on the fact that people rarely read the fine print.
[Read More]Phishing and account breaches have been a problem for years, and it’s not going away. In fact, with the advent of AI, it’s just getting worse. Passwords seem like a logical way to protect our accounts. And while they served our needs in the past, they’re no match for today’s cybercriminal tactics. It’s time for…
[Read More]The world of online threats is ever-changing. Sophisticated phishing, AI-powered attacks, and more are making it ever harder to keep things safe. Organizations are navigating a wide variety of challenges and an equally wide variety of innovative solutions in working to address threats and be proactive in their online safety and security. Implementing a cybersecurity…
[Read More]You get a call from your bank’s fraud department. There’s been fraud on your account – a criminal has gotten in and is currently in the process of stealing every penny you have. If you don’t act now, you’ll be left with nothing. But the person on the phone tells you there is a solution.…
[Read More]Scams and scammers are everywhere. Even if you haven’t personally been caught in a scam, you probably know someone who has. A recent report on fraud and identity theft found that 30% of Americans have been victims of a scam in the past twelve months. Which means that statistically, if you know more than two…
[Read More]It’s not just identity theft anymore. Criminals have expanded to a whole range of identity crimes. And it’s extremely easy to unintentionally give your private information to a scammer. Even something as simple as calling tech support could put your information in a criminal’s hands. It’s essential to be vigilant about your data. See Identity…
[Read More]It’s the time of year when people start thinking about New Year resolutions and making changes in their lives. Some of us even put off starting a change we want to make so it can coincide with the new year. But you’ve probably also heard the statistics about how most resolutions fail after just a…
[Read More]Once email addresses fall into the wrong hands, there’s a greater chance the criminals might work on discovering your email password and compromising your account. Even scarier is that information in a data breach sometimes includes passwords. Even if it doesn’t, hackers and cybercriminals have ways to guess or uncover passwords…it happens all the time.
[Read More]People concerned about internet privacy are starting to investigate virtual private networks and exploring PureVPN. PureVPN provides pure protection online by hiding your actual IP address and encrypting all your online traffic, which is what 99% of internet users and privacy seekers want.
[Read More]Companies are collecting our data online all the time. Nobody wants to imagine their information is being collected and that companies are profiting from it – especially once you know how much of your data is really going into these companies’ hands. And worse, without the right context, it can be easy to misinterpret this…
[Read More]Getting a message from a recruiter can seem like a great opportunity. Especially if you’re currently looking for work, it can seem fortunate. But recruiting scams often start out looking legitimate. It’s essential to do your homework, verify sources, and trust your instincts. It can seem frustrating to be so skeptical. But caution can help…
[Read More]Today’s security threats aren’t just clever hackers and tech-savvy scammers. Social engineering uses the art of “human hacking” to turn our own psychology against us. By establishing trust and building relationships that feel genuine, they can make you more susceptible to their tactics without realizing you’re being manipulated. And tools like social media make their…
[Read More]We’re getting into the holiday shopping season, and that means that you’re probably buying at least some things online. Online shopping can be great for many reasons. It’s convenient if you’re not able or don’t have time to go to stores. It’s a great way to find things that aren’t easy to get in stores.…
[Read More]The holidays are rapidly approaching – which means it’s time to think about holiday shopping. If you have someone on your list who is concerned about their privacy, it could be hard to figure out what to get them. After all, you’ll want to get them something they’ll like – and that they won’t consider…
[Read More]Everyone is vulnerable to scams and fraud online, especially if you’re distracted or in a hurry. That includes scam and security experts, too. We’re all at risk. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to identify a scammer online. Building these skills with critical thinking, self-awareness, and habits of healthy skepticism can help protect…
[Read More]Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) when you’re online is still very wise and important and that’s especially true if you’re sending private, sensitive emails or shopping online from somewhere other than home.
[Read More]We’re used to hearing “red flag” conditions. Hopefully, we know they indicate a dangerous situation or risky conditions ahead. Scams have red flags too, but they’re not quite the same. Let’s see why. Here are some examples we’re familiar with: What about for consumers about scams? That’s the topic we’re exploring here. Actually, a red…
[Read More]Windscribe VPN provides the ultimate privacy, security, and simplicity with an easy-to-use website interface.
[Read More]Sometimes, getting the best use out of technology requires some workarounds. These workarounds can help you with things like switching your dating profile to a new location when you’re in a new state or looking up restaurants in the city you will be vacationing in next year. Sometimes, these simple requests can be really easy…
[Read More]Who should be liable if an individual is radicalized by what they encounter on the internet? If a user of X, TikTok, Truth Social, or a WordPress-hosted blog encounters extreme ideas on the platform and is inspired to violently attack a person or group of people, who is responsible? In criminal and civil law, it…
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