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Easy Prey Podcast

Michael Buraimoh talks about the signs of grooming that everyone should know.

Recognize the Signs of Grooming to Protect Your Child Online

Many parents assume that grooming is something that happens to other kids, not theirs. But that assumption means they may miss signs of grooming in their child. They also pass up a valuable opportunity to teach their kids what to watch for. Any child could be targeted by groomers and manipulated into making bad choices…

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Philipp Pointner talks about the evolution of digital identity.

How Digital Identity Is Changing Online Privacy Forever

We all know how it works: If you need to prove your identity for some reason, you have to provide an official physical document like a passport, driver’s license, or state ID. But that may soon be a thing of the past. Technology that allows digital identity verification will make it easier to prove who…

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Medicare Open Enrollment

Medicare Open Enrollment Scams: What to Look Out For!

Whether you have already enrolled in Medicare or will be signing up now or next year, you need to know what type of contact from Medicare and insurance programs are legitimate and what types are not. Scammers wont be happy, but you’ll be safer.

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Robert Karas talks about cyber attack response and why it's so important.

Cyber Attack Response: The Overlooked Step in Digital Security

Scams and cyber crime are constantly increasing. New advances in technology enable criminals to attack faster, smarter, and with ploys that look more genuine than ever. Even experts can get caught in their tricks. That’s why it’s important that we go beyond just preventing scams and cyber attacks. Prevention is part of it. But it’s…

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Rachel Gibson talks about scam victim support and available resources.

Scam Victim Support That Focuses on Victims’ Needs

People are falling for scams and fraud every day. For most of these victims, it’s not just a financial loss – it can be emotionally and psychologically devastating. And often, the scam victim support they receive is limited, if they receive any at all. But there is help and support available to help victims navigate…

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Matt Friedman talks about human trafficking into scam centers and the dangers we don't know about.

Human Trafficking into Scam Centers: Financial and Personal Risks

It’s easy to assume that all scammers are evil and heartless. After all, they’re tricking you out of your money. But in reality, the person on the phone or sending you emails may not want to scam you any more than you want to be scammed. Many scam masterminds are using human trafficking into scam…

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Katherine Schweit talks about gun violence, active shooter preparedness, and potential solutions.

Active Shooter Preparedness Tips for the Worst-Case Scenario

Being caught in an active shooter situation is a nightmare scenario. Nobody wants it to happen. But if it does, you can increase your chances of surviving, helping those around you survive, or even ending the situation with active shooter preparedness. The key is to know in advance what to do. See Active Shooter Preparedness…

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Philippe Desmaris and Thierry Gagnon discuss digital identification for a world without passwords.

The Future of Digital Identity: A World Without Passwords

Most of us set passwords for our online accounts hoping to ensure our privacy and security. Those of us who are more concerned about security may sacrifice convenience believing it makes us even more secure. But as technology changes, passwords are not the complete security solution we think they are. Other digital identification methods may…

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Patrick McNamera talks about his online safety tips for protecting yourself online.

5 Online Safety Tips Everyone Can Use

There are lots of great tools out there to help you stay safer online. But online safety requires more than just downloading a piece of software. To really stay safe, you have to be an active participant in your own protection. But you don’t have to be a tech genius to do it. These tips…

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Ryan Kelly talks about his work as a scam tracker and how you can protect yourself from scams.

Insider Tips from a Scam Tracker: How to Recognize and Avoid Scams

Scams are everywhere, targeting all kinds of people with all kinds of phony stories. They will go after anyone who has any money. Anyone can get caught in a scam, no matter your age, gender, intelligence, education, or anything else. One scam tracker wants to explain to everyone how scams work and provide tips to…

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Child Sex Trafficking

How the FBI is Tackling the Human Trafficking Crisis

It’s not Hollywood hype. There are real agencies and real people saving kids. In the Summer of 2023, the FBI led a successful effort to slow down human trafficking and arrest criminals. Also, in the summer of 2023 a movie came out about child sex trafficking called “The Sound of Freedom,” based on a true…

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Kathy Waters and Bryan Denny talk about dating and romance scams and the new World Romance Scam Prevention Day on October 3rd.

World Romance Scam Prevention Day: Promoting Awareness and Safety

Dating and romance scams are more common – and more insidious – than most people realize. Networks of organized criminals are perpetrating them professionally and systematically every day. Some scammers are willing to invest significant time to win over their targets. And the results can be devastating emotionally, psychologically, and financially. World Romance Scam Prevention…

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Giles Mason talks about stopping scams and how to protect yourself.

Get Better at Stopping Scams with This Scam Protection Framework

Most of us want to be polite and help others where we can. But scammers can take advantage of that. Using tools like critical thinking, situational awareness, and slowing down conversations can help you get better at stopping scams before they become financial disasters. Using the Stop-Challenge-Protect framework can help you do that. See Stopping…

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Marta Tellado talks about the state of online consumer protection.

Why Online Consumer Protection Is So Challenging

You’ve probably heard the phrase “buyer beware.” It refers to situations where it’s the buyer’s responsibility to make sure the thing they’re buying is safe and isn’t a scam. When it comes to tangible things, there are laws and regulations in place to help protect us. But online, it’s still a “buyer beware” world. The…

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Pierogi talks about scambaiting and how to avoid scammers.

Learn How Scammers Operate to Protect Yourself from Fraud

Scammers have learned to use systems like shipping, rental cars, and rental homes against us. And they’re really good at staying under the radar. They also know a lot of psychological tricks to manipulate us and use our own brains to get us caught in their traps. In order to avoid scammers and stay safe,…

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Sander van der Linden talks about misinformation techniques and how you can become foolproof.

Spotting Misinformation: Key Techniques to Stay Ahead of Scams

Modern communication is lightning-fast, and the internet is available all the time. Misinformation and disinformation spreads quickly, and it’s easy for even smart and aware people to be caught by it. But there is a way to keep misinformation from tricking you. By understanding disinformation and misinformation techniques, you can “inoculate” yourself against false and…

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Chris Chabris and Dan Simons talk about scam methods and how they fool even smart people.

How Scammers Use Psychology to Fool Even the Smartest Victims

Like malicious magicians, scammers use distractions and illusions to keep you from figuring out their tricks. They know if they can’t keep up the facade, you’ll realize it’s fishy. Many of the common techniques of scams – like urgency and rushing your decision – are really ways to hijack your decision-making brain and keep you…

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Mikko Hypponen talks about IoT devices and security and the future of cyber war.

How IoT Devices Are Shaping the Future of Cybersecurity

If you think about it, the technology we have around us today is pretty incredible. From generative AI tools like ChatGPT to DNA testing, so many technological abilities that are normal now would have been something out of a sci-fi film or a James Bond movie thirty years ago. But just like in science fiction,…

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Robin Dreeke talks about communication techniques to build trust.

Communication Techniques to Build Trust and Avoid Manipulators

Whether you’re talking to a friend, interviewing a potential employee, making a sale, or recruiting a spy, human psychology doesn’t change. The foundations of an honest conversation are the same. We can use communication techniques to inspire trust and get the information we need. Master manipulators may know how to sound good without answering your…

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Roberta Blevins talks about MLMs, MLM scams, and red flags to watch for.

MLM Scams: Spotting Red Flags to Protect Yourself from Financial Loss

People end up in a multi-level marketing company, or MLM, for different reasons. Maybe you wanted to help a friend. Maybe you wanted to make some extra money. Or maybe you were tricked and didn’t intend to sign up at all. It’s important to know that not all multi-level marketing companies are bad. But MLM…

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Chase Hughes talks about how the ability to read body language can help you spot scams and manipulation.

Learn to Read Body Language and Understand Behavior to Spot Manipulation

Scammers, fraudsters, and manipulators of all kinds are out there trying to take advantage of you. Often, they are incredibly skilled at it. Even the smartest and most aware person can get caught in a scam. But there are stills we can learn to help. Learning to read body language and understand human behavior can…

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Raj Samani talks about the cost of cyber crime and why it worries him.

The Full Cost of Cyber Crime is Hard to Measure – Here’s Why

When it comes to the world of cybersecurity and cyber crime, it can be difficult to quantify anything. Protecting data and network infrastructure is a constant effort. When a cybersecurity expert is doing their job, nothing will happen, so it’s hard to recognize success. And since there is so little reporting done, it can be…

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Bryan Seely talks about wiretapping the FBI and tips to stay safe online

Online Safety Tips from the Man Who Wiretapped the FBI

Cybersecurity experts see security flaws and safety risks online every day. Since their job is to help people and companies stay safe online, they want to tell people about those flaws and help them avoid or fix them. But what are they supposed to do when no one will believe a particular security risk is…

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Dr. Jessica Barker talks about cybersecurity culture and the human element in cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Culture and the Human Element

When we think about cybersecurity, we generally think about technology – new gadgets, fancy systems, and screens full of computer code that will keep the hackers out. The role that people play is often an afterthought. But in reality, every step of the cybersecurity process, from inventing new systems to implementing defense strategies, has people…

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Christy Harrison talks about health misinformation, diet scams, and the truth about weight loss.

How to Spot Health Misinformation Online

With our culture’s emphasis on appearance and health, it’s tempting to try anything that promises weight loss, improved health, or rapid results. But health misinformation and appealing claims can trick us into falling for scams or trying tactics that hurt our health instead of improve it. Conventional healthcare doesn’t always have the answers. But it’s…

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